Getting the right tattoo design is a very serious undertaking and you'll need good starting point. So what you need to do is ask yourself questions. Because tattoos are permanent, and they hurt going on, the time you take now to find the right tattoo design idea will be very well worth it. So where do you start? Start asking yourself the following questions:
Question 1: Why do I want a tattoo?
Getting a tattoo can mean many things. You may want it as a way of expressing yourself. Or, perhaps it may represent an important time in your life. Your tattoo may also represent an interest or passion of yours. The last reason, you should get a tattoo is because everyone else has one.

If you want a tattoo of your boyfriends or girlfriends name, you may want to hold off for a while. . I don't want to sound like a downer, but you can have a few true loves to in your lifetime. Let's face it, people do grow apart. However, if you do want to express your love for your significant other, perhaps you can get their initials or a small design in case things don't work out. On the other hand if you have children, it's okay to have a tattoo of their names.
Question 2: What Makes Me Unique?
This question is just as tough as the first question. However, keep in mind need to ask yourself, the hard questions in order to start thinking about a cool tattoo design idea for your self. To figure out your unique qualities, you need to define your passions and interests are. For example, maybe you love baseball and play in a league, maybe you're father and dedicated to raising your kids, or maybe you have an insatiable interest of Japanese culture.
While your interests may change as time goes on and if you get a tattoo based on your unique qualities now, the tattoo will still represent a milestone in your life and you'll least likely to regret it. You have to remember, no one can tell the future and what you like now may very well be not be of interest 10 years from now. This is why it's important to research heavily for a tattoo design.