-Peter Sutherland
This weekend, well, actually, Saturday only, was pretty eventful and nonetheless, fun. An annonymous friend of mine and I drove to LA to see The Company of People group exhibition of Space15Twenty in hollywood. The show, though small, was very interesting and, for the most part, lived up to my highly anticipated expectations.
The exhibit featured a variety of art medias including photography, collage, painting, etc. by some of my favorite artist from the web site including Landon and Christina Metz, Jonnie Craig, Mitchell Spider and Andrew and Peter Sutherland.
My pieces in the show were the collages created by Peter Sutherland and the hauntingly beautiful photography of Christina Metz.
Unfortunately, due to extreme parking difficulties (middle of Hollywood on a Saturday night and resistance to paying $10 for an hour of parking) I was not able to hear the bands, I.U.D. and O.G.O.D. perform.
-Hannah Metz
However, if you live somewhat close to L.A. the exhibition will be showing at Space15Twenty from now until March 7th.
Prior to the gallery, my friend showed me this neat little bookstore called, Family located on Fairfax in Hollywood. The store had a very antique, artsy kind of vibe and was filled with an abundence of awesome zines, independent (and very hard to find) magazines like the I discovered, The Journal, and interesting art books, comic books, posters, clothing, and music. If you are ever in the LA area, definately a great place to stop.
Check out there website/blog for purchases, info., location, etc.
Some cool new art I discovered while browsing through Family...
Eddie Martinez
Artist and tee-shirt illustrator, Carlos Valencia.
To finish the night off with a bang, we stopped at the legendary Hollywood landmark, Pink's Hot Dogs on La Brea and Melrose.
Again, if anyone is making a trip to the LA area any time soon, Pink's is definately an iconic location yummy american classics and a good experience.
Be warned however, that
1. You will probably be waiting in line for a minimum of 45 mins. depending on what time frame you decide to go. (We waited for about 50 min. at 9pm on a Saturday night.)
2. They do not accept credit cards: cash only.
I mention this because, it would suck to wait in that long ass line only to realize after an hour that you have to go to the ATM on the next block and then re join the ever blossoming line.
However, the line and lack of payment methods is well worth the delicious hot dog you will indeed, recieve. I got the classic Bacon Chilli Cheese Dog.
But, I have also tried the Brooklyn Pastrami and Swiss Cheese dog which was delicious, as well.
I hear that the Lord Of The Rings Dog (with BBQ sauce and onion rings) and the Millennium Dog (jalapenos, tomatoes, chilli, guac., onions, lettuce, and bacon) are also exquisite choices too!
"Pink's hot dog stand is a quick lunch, a nostalgic trip into the past, and a delicious experience."
Well, delicious as it may be, I woldn't anticipate this outing to be a quick meal by any means. However, in my experience, definately was a nostalgic trip to the past...
To be discussed:
Coachella 2010 Lineup

Overall, the lineup for this coming Coachella music festival in Indio, CA, is pretty decent, as usual.
However, last year, my experience was that it was much easier to select one particular day out of the three (FRI-SUN) due to the overwhelmingly incredible lineup that that specific day had planned.
In 2009 and I went on Friday and saw some great artists including Morrissey, Paul McCartney, M.Ward, Girl Talk, Connor Oberst, People Under the Stairs, Alberta Cross, Silversun Pickups, and The Ting Tings.
For this coming festival, I am finding it much more difficult to select just one day to go.
Each day seems to have a few beloved artists of mine however, I cannot go all three days.
For Friday, I think it would be awesome to see Jay Z, Grizzly Bear, Deadmau5, She & Him and Echo and The Bunnyman. For Saturday, the lineup is pretty promising: Camera Obscura, Dirty Projectors, Sia, GIRLS, Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes, Beach House, Temper Trap, and MGMT (I guess...) are all bands whom I would love to see perform. But Sunday, though the selection is quite limited in my eyes, will be the day that Yo La Tengo and Matt and Kim play, which are two of my favorite bands.
In other music news...
Current Playlist:
Jimi Hendrix-hey joe
Prince-darling Nikki
Lauryn Hill-killing me softly
Cat Power-I found a reason
Neil Young-heart of gold
Beach House-Gila
Bon Iver-skinny love
Regina Spektor-loveology
Joy Division-disorder
Pink Floyd-comfortably numb
R.E.M.-it's the end of the world as we know it
Air-playground love
When in Rome-the promise
This past week, I kind of went on a library and book/poetry reading binge.
I stumbled across this collection of poems by musician/singer/song writer/etc. Leonard Cohen. I was pleasantly surprised.
Thus far, the best ones that I have found are:
"Two Went to Sleep," p. 191
"You Do Not Have to Love Me," p. 221
"This is For You," p. 221
"When I Met You in the Small Streets," p. 232
*From "When I Met You in the Small Streets,"
Like jigsaw pieces married too early
in the puzzle we pried apart
for every new experiment, as if simplicity
and good luck were not enough to build
a rainbow through gravity and mist.
I also checked out Albert Camus: Notebooks 1951-1959, Eating The Honey of Words by Robrt Bly,
A couple of selected poem/essay collections of my favorite, T.S. Eliot, Early Writing of Ezra Pound, and my new and beloved favorite, Selected Poems 1945-2005 of the incredibly gifted and profound, Robert Creely. I mostly read all of Creely's work this afternoon simply because I became utterly enthralled by his poems and seemed to be physically incapable of pulling the book away from my lusty eyes.
Some favorites of Creely's:
"The Flower"
(I think I have posted this poem before because it is just SO good and the poem that really got me into him as a poet.)
"The Rain"
"Mind's Heart"
"Some Place"
(This one is almost disgustingly good. It is pretty simple and kind of random but it just goes on as he shares his experiences and what comes to mind when thinking about certain numbers. Beautifully written and very relative to anyone, I think.)
Mind's Heart
Mind's heart, it must
be that some
truth lies locked
in you.
Or else, lies, all
lies, and no man
true enough to know
the difference.
The Rain
All night the sound had
come back again,
and again falls
this quiet persistent rain.
What am I to myself
that must be remembered,
insisted upon
so often? Is it
that never the ease
even the hardness,
of rain falling
will have for me
something other than this,
something not so insistent-
am I to be locked in this
final uneasiness.
Love, if you love me,
lie next to me.
Be for me, like rain,
the getting out
of the tiredness, the fatuousness, the semi-
lus of intentional indifference.
Be wet
with a decent happiness.
Well, here are some recent poems of mine.
Love's Afterthought
every murmur in each of Summer's sky-lit after-thoughts
back when the sunset was simpe is written in cursive above me falling
from the troubled sky where your name is so boldy written in everything but
Times New Roman and every smokey exhale painted red by the stain of my lipstick
blows outward mixing with all the colors you painted the world-the surreal world
where we once searched at night for owls and where I once
searched for meaning hidden between the smoke of your exhaled by your heart's
mind tainted in poison pink perfume and just as the aftershock of the world of the pre-sunken
sky which is now dusted in blue ashes before it turns to eternal dusk and somehow through
the rippened vines the intertwining of branches like on the kelly green trees you helped
me see and just like how you connected the words happy and life and morphed them into
my reality and through the blooming of love and the breeding of misery their blossoming
branches poke at us to say that there is no reality hidden in the answers destined for reply
as they spy on us through the leaves ever so scrupulously while we litter love's ground
and how they can never healthfully bloom because of this and because of our sly manipulation
of sweet lies
Such beauty we saw in nature, you and me, and you and I weeping as we waved it all
and like the wind blowing two star lit/star crossed breath into one: red (poison apple red)
exhalation of fear turning our backs on everything that was beauty (is) how you made me feel that is real
sucking life away and watching her die that is love
this too will not be answered not sooner nor later (this is forever) though we will never
rediscover the answer if not now than not ever as we watch
the flowers of the heart budding in sweet harmony in rainbow color though dying as if
to show us how to feel again (if not now than not ever)
the sky speaks no lies urging us in CAPS LOCK to look for the owls again
as if to remind us again
There is no forever.
Nothing is the ghost who is always around us
The Sky, tonight, is painted in a lilac dominated rainbow
laying its head upon the silk lined clouds looking down
at the sun's shooting of golden, nostalgia bursting rays
only to reaveal illuminated speckles of the past and only to
convince the storm not to cry because blue tinted sadness
will fog the mystic beauty the weatherman forecasts.
The Sky, tonight, is a museum full of our antique photographs
exhibiting the precise aesthetic within the lost momemts of you
and of you and I.
Blowing a translucent breeze of tomorrow, paintings of togetherness
at last.
The colors you are, they are dusk.
They are gold, they are lilac, they are a fading blue
bleaching back to red, they are soaked in gold and are,
like fallen raindrops, drowning in the infinite oceans of everything colored true.
The Sky, tonight, remembers the butterflies and
their colors and their flutters
as if our lips were still touching for the
first time and as if I were still flying, like I was one of them:
how I feel everytime I am with you, I could fly...
I could if you promised not to let me fall
if you promised not to kiss goodbye
The sun flied gracefully, in the sky, tonight
as the clouds hover to unbrella us though not a tear
drop in sight
butterflies will re-rise, ascend again, to the heaven=
in your hands
Through the darkness the stars will guide us
two becoming one and then one with the sun
Our names were re-written in the sky
glowing through the darkness of the night