
photo cred: google images, fashion gone rogue, we heart it.
Lost Art
-Thank you letters (hand-written)
I think that I mentioned the importance of keeping the thank you note alive in a previous post. But, I really believe that it is so much more intimate, special, and thoughtful to thank some one this way than it is to quickly write a text to someone or send mass emails that took you less than sixty seconds to complete. It is such a simple yet, treasured gesture that is nice to both give and recieve when someone has done something kind for you and given you a gift of any kind. I was discussing this matter with a lday whom I baby sit for after she recieved the card I gave to her. I cannot even describe how honored and excited she ways that a girl from my generation and age group was still practicing this means of appreciation. We just reflected on how it is truly sad that hand written letters and cards have virtually become obselete due to the increased popularity of texting, email, etc.
-Passing notes in class
Remember when you used to pass notes back in forth to friends and crushes while the teacher turned her head to the white board? I suppose this fun activity has become obselete to texting, as well.
I am sick of hearing the clicks of the cell phones during class!
-Love Letters
Awwww. Hopefully, this hasn't become replaced too much by facebook messages, texts, etc.
Letters are, like thank you notes, a tangible piece of love. They are a physical memory that can be kept forever or, until you get heart broken, which ever comes first. I especially like very short but sweet love letters. For instance, when you get up early to go to work, you leave your partner, boyfriend, whatever a little note for when they wake up. That is the best way to wake up :)
I kinda miss that...
-Coloring Books
I miss these things! They were so much fun. Why is it not okay to just simply "color," once you are past the age of 8?
Try to stay in the lines!
-Disposable Cameras
They are again physically capture points in time and give us the ability to hold on to these moments forever. Time and life move so quickly, whether we are ready or not. There is nothing more joyful to me, than looking back at old photographs that I have collected in my memory box since I was 7.
Also, I love the the prints from digital cameras turn out. I love that grittiness, the occasional red eye, etc.
I also like the ambiguous feel they give as they are not always perfectly crisp.
-Mad Libs
Wow, remember these?
I am on a mission to get some this week.
The discontinuation of polaroid cameras and film was really surprsing and sad to me. I never owned one or anything but I think they are my favorite form of photographic media. You can write little notes or memories all over them and they always come out with this warm, hazy, fuzzy, tint to them.
Plus, instant gratification.
-Swings and Carusels
I still play on them when I can.
Do it this weekend. I promise, it will be the most fun you have had in a long time and way more exhilerating than the last bar outing you experienced.
I went through a phase of hating on it.
I don't think I could love it any more, at the moment.

Airport Anthology
I am currently working on a collection of poetry inspred by travel and more specifically, airports. For some reason, as I believe I have mentioned before, everytime I travel, whether it is just a quick day trip to LA for a casting or shoot, a two day trip to Chicago or New York, or a full blown vacation for pleasure, I am just so inspired and so able to think clearly (though ironically, more emotionally). It's a breif escape that allows me to clear my mind, encounter new, different types of people, write, listen to music, and most importantly, think without the phone having to be answered constantly, chores to perform, seemingly endless errands to be ran, etc. For a few hours I can just think by myself.
There is something so serene about watching the sun fall back into the clouds, as I am gliding through them, rather than on the round peering up at its aftermath. I also love when I am flying in the dark. As I look down I see nothing for awhile and then as we descend, I can just barely make up millions of little glittering buildings, cars, streets, etc.
This image kind of reminds me small and powerless man, and man made institutions are in comparison to nature. Maybe nature itself is god. I don't know. But either way, these views always inspire this very earthy, romantic, and greatful spirit and attitude which, usually provokes some decent thought processes, poetry, and overall refelctions over my life.
I am unable to explain the the source of my overly romatic and nostalgic romantic mood that I, more often than not, feel when I am in the airport. I am not sure if it is all the aorable couples, and happily married parents of beautiful children, or just the mere fact that I wish that that person was with me to share this escapist, freed feeling that I love so much.
Anyway, So I have started to compose airport themed poetry (about love of course.) And I have also been viewing my old diary and poetry entries from up to two years ago, observing and collecting things I had written while travelling.
Wish me luck!
I will post some of the work when I get everything organized:)