Today in Creative Writing class, we talked a lot about zines. They are little mini magazines I suppose you could call them, that are self edited and published. They allow writer/artisits/whomever to kind of express themselves sans harsh editor's opinions. Usually hand made and xeroxed, many zine makers just simply scatter them around random places like schools, coffee shops, on the streets, wherever. I read some interesting ones today. One was dedicated to sex and talked about different types of men and was done in a very crude, though witty manner. She adressed different kinds of lovers like "the hanger-on-er," "friend with benefits," "the dad," etc. Another one that I read was themed "Bleu." It was composed of various art work, song lyrics, and poems all related to blue. I am going to create one for my class but, I also am interested in doing this for my own personal satisfaction as well. I have a lot of ideas ranging from love to fashion (of course). So I will let everyone know how that goes...also, if anyone has any awesome ideas for me, shoot me an email!
Anway, I wanted to post some real life fashion inspiration....most of these pictures are of my friends some of which i took myself, others of which i stole off facebook! haha
Urban outfitters.com has a new special called music mondays in which they have five free songs availible for download on itunes...the music they select is usally pretty good and eclectic and I find a lot of new artists that I like from them. Worth checking out.
PLaylist of the week:
the brianjonestown massacre-maybe tomorrow
the velvet underground-all tomorrow's parties
animal collective-in the flowers
grizzly bear-i live here
brotha lynch-rest in piss
bright eyes-easy/lucky/free
the moldy peaches-lucky number nine
adam green-baby's gonna be allright
regina spektor-samson
morrissey-life is a pigsty
Today, I was looking through some old books of mine and I found 2 items that were some of my favorites over the Summer. My ex boyfriend gave me the Allen Ginsberg anthology Howl in June and i fell in love with this style of poetry. So i have been reading that again. The second, is my astrology book which i used religiously over the Summer as a guide to make my decisions with (pathetic I know).
Mine says for today: Gemini It a number 8 day again. It's your power day. You attract financial success. Be courageous. You have a chance to gain recognition and fame.
Hmmmm....haven't really recived any of this alleged power yet!
we'll see!