Today, I read an awesome short story by William Gay featured in the book, The Best American Short Stories 2007, called "Where Will You Go When Your Skin Cannot Contain You." It was beautifully written despite the kind of horrific and dark theme of murder, shame, and insanity. Somehow, you relate and almost feel for the main character though he is a drug addicted psychopath. It is written very detailed however, the actual formation of the story is pretty vague and choppy but it works and adds to the suspense. It actually is kind of like a puzzle. You have no idea what Gay is talking about and gradually things start to piece together to make sense and then end everything kind of fits. It has a definite mystery vibe going on and is very intriguing. But the metaphors in symbolic foreshadowing Gay uses creates such a vivid image in the reader's mind. An ironically and twisted beautiful love story, in a way. Anyway, I would definitely check it out!
Here are a couple poems a scribbled down today while driving home from school at stop lights...haha kind of sketchy!
You are; I was
And you were
Like a song so good it gives you the chills
A nightmare so real that its wounds
will never heal.
Like the most evil of storms that smile as they watch you suffer
while it slowly kills.
The most beautiful rose whose thorns laced in lust
remind you how to feel.
And like the ripest sunrise
with the power to paint the world in red purity
and stuns us with its vivid color
so that we can no longer breathe
Like a heaven sent heart attack so lovely,
it gives you the power to live and
to actually see.
Like a black symphony
sick with such sensuality
that only you and I-
would be able to conceive.
...And you were.
Lost In the Storm of Broken Infinity
In the haunted house in my heart,
is where you'll find me, ripped apart and where
I can remember only Love's precious start.
Locked as my own prisoner and raped of my dignity,
in this house the only taste left in my mouth
is the flavorlessness
of our limited infinity
In the chamber of my mind
I remain, tinted in frozen sin
and am only able to smell the beauty
in those of your kind.
And In the dusty basement-
located in the back of my eyes
I am posssed by the rich color of your lies and,
I am only able to see the stormy day-
that you released all my chained up cries.
And within my weak heart
the thundery storm is bound to start-
as i sleep through the worst of its destruction
your words will awaken me once again with their sly abduction of the heart,
and pierce through salty skin, like a single black dart.
Down comes the rain, and like a shivering blanket drenched in pain
icy droplets crash on top of my tired brain
and tell me that I will never again, be the same.
Drowning deep in your black tainted sea
and what was once a symphony of color is now icy grey and,
can no longer be.
Drowning and falling
but no weatherman can for see
how much you will-
and are, incessantly,
haunting me.
and you won't even try to save me
just don't look back,
swim to the shore,
rob me of my reality,
let me die bathing in slow misery
because what you wanted, I could never be.
Shadow of Your Smile
I thought I saw the shadow of
your smile the other day.
I looked around the corner to catch your laugh
and then it quickly ran away.
I thought I heard your smile in those trees
and I thought I smelt your tears
in yesterday's breeze.
I thought in a frozen moment
that you were with me again-
So that I could believe my elf when I tell them
I thought I saw the sunset turn back from blue
to red.
And then I realized that it was
I thought I saw the shadow of your smile
and though I did not
i remembered that through the blue, you showed me the red
and to be able to feel again, was worth it all the while.