Music: Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown.
This is their fifth album (released a few days ago) and it's been with me every day this week. They're one of my favorite bands from the last years and I'm hooked on this CD (Yes, I'm a dinosaur who still buys and listens to actual CDs. To my defense, I own an iPod too).
Movie/TV Show: House M.D. - It never gets old.
Food: Risotto. For some reason, I've had it 3 times this week.
Beauty Product: Tom Ford Private Blend Lipstick in Blush Nude shade. I can't (read "won't") let go of it, even if it's more of a summery shade. My lips love it.
Book: Just started reading The Glass Castle (A Memoir) by Jeannette Walls and I'm liking it so far.
Random thought: Whoever told people that it's ok to use hammers and drills at 7 o'clock in the morning should be drilled on themselves. Let's see how they like that.
Dessert: Chocolate chip ice cream. The end.
Blast from the past : R.E.M. - Drive. Classic song from a classic album.
Perfume: Gucci Eau de Parfum I (one of my quintessential "fall perfumes". Fall as in autumn, thank you very much). A unique gem. I'll never be without it.
Place: One rainy afternoon, as I had some time to kill and decided to spend it on Flickr, I searched for Beacon Hill photos. It's a historic neighborhood in Boston, MA, USA and although I've never been there, I can tell it's one of the prettiest in the city. If I ever make it to Boston, USA, this is where I'm headed. For more photos of Beacon Hill, you can check out this photostream.