I try my best to stay on top of the latest news regarding our favorite music blogs. Due to the sheer number of blogs out there it can be a tough task sometimes. When a well known blog is removed or changes urls, I try to dedicate a post to the blog, both to inform the visitors of the news, and to help drive traffic to the new address. This time around I have a number of blogs to report on. The following blogs were either removed and relocated to a new blogging service, willingly made the decision to relocate to a different blogging platform, or bought a domain name. Some of these moves might not have been recent, rather these blogs have moved since the last time I performed a major update to the blogroll list.
Phrock Blog - http://phrockblog3.blogspot.com
Chris Goes Rock - http://chrisgoesrock.blogspot.com
Funky 16 Corners - http://www.funky16corners.com/
Redtelephone66 - http://www.redtelephone66.com/
D & P's Bootleg Tunz World - http://bootlegtunzworld.blogspot.com/
The Ultimate Bootleg Experience - http://theultimatebootlegexperience3.blogspot.com/
Sickness Still Abounds - http://sickness-still-abounds.blogspot.com/
Industrial Scum - http://www.electro-dandies.blogspot.com/
Floodlit Footprint - http://floodlit1.ucoz.com/blog
Retro Remixes - http://retroremixes.wordpress.com
Buns O'Plenty - http://bunsoplenty.wordpress.com/
stigmaBU (Formerly "Stigmas Rest Room") - http://stigmabu.blogspot.com/
San Pasquale Ent. - http://www.sanpasquale.net/
Spending Loud Night - http://spendingloudnight.wordpress.com/
Phrock Blog - http://phrockblog3.blogspot.com
Chris Goes Rock - http://chrisgoesrock.blogspot.com
Funky 16 Corners - http://www.funky16corners.com/
Redtelephone66 - http://www.redtelephone66.com/
D & P's Bootleg Tunz World - http://bootlegtunzworld.blogspot.com/
The Ultimate Bootleg Experience - http://theultimatebootlegexperience3.blogspot.com/
Sickness Still Abounds - http://sickness-still-abounds.blogspot.com/
Industrial Scum - http://www.electro-dandies.blogspot.com/
Floodlit Footprint - http://floodlit1.ucoz.com/blog
Retro Remixes - http://retroremixes.wordpress.com
Buns O'Plenty - http://bunsoplenty.wordpress.com/
stigmaBU (Formerly "Stigmas Rest Room") - http://stigmabu.blogspot.com/
San Pasquale Ent. - http://www.sanpasquale.net/
Spending Loud Night - http://spendingloudnight.wordpress.com/