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So the other weekend I went to the San Diego Mueseum of Modern Art. There was lots of really rad exhibits. My favorite was this viedo piece that discussed the creation of the first American dictionary. It was beautifully written and nice to listen to. However, I found this artust tht I really like named Jakob Kolding. This exhibitions consisted of lots of collages with buildings, photogrpahs, and a lot of action heros like Batman in them, to create a political message. The other exhibit was called "Museums in Miniture," with collage like mixed media by Joseph Cornell and Marcel Duchamp.
check out mcasd.com for upcoming exhibits...
This past weekend I went to an art show in Carlsbad, CA. It was awesome. I went with some friends and no prior knowledge to the art that I was about to embark on. I kind of assumed it was going to be some generic graffiti art or something but, I actually LOVED the paintings in there. The two artist's work displayed at the show were the works of Raziah Roushan and Matty Davis. I have to say that my favorite work was from Matty's collection. it even inspired some new tattoo ideas (uh oh!)
Also, there is this wonderful new website I discovered through another blog called thecompanyofpeople.com. It has several artists filled with porfolios of collages, photograhy, painting, sculptures, etc. I find the collections to be very minimal and raw. There is no obvious digital photoshopping or anything too strange. There are some great pieces here.
Here is one of my favorite by photographer, Ellen Rogers.
Ms. Rogers actually inspired me to do some shoots of my own. I love the warm, creamy colors she used and this blurry, surreal, dream-like mood that she creates. So stunning!!
Okay lastly, with all this art blogging I just have to say that this new fascination/obsession with this whole art scene right now is making me ill. If i see one more person with an arts and sketches photo album on their damn facebooks i just might be sick!! Of course, there are some great artists that want to display theri art which is awesome and entertaining. However, not everyone is an artst. I am not! Move On people!!
P.S. I have been going through a hard time with my love life. The kind of pain where it hurts your heart so much you feel nauseous because your heart is literally in your stomach. I cannot believe how artificial people can be. And...fickle! So hurtful...but anyway so I have been reading a lot more poetry in the ast few days. Strangely enough though, I haven't really had much inspiration to actually write any of my own poetry which is strange because usually hearbreak is my biggest motivator. BUt, I assume this is because it might be too painful to write about yet. Kind of trying to forget i suppose. I am, indeed, feeling much better I must say. And to end my little mushy schpeil, I have to say what wonderful friends (and even ex boyfriends) I have. They have all been so supportive and kind to me. Love them all...
Hate Blows a Bubble of despair by E.E. Cummings
hate blows a bubble of despair into
hugeness world system universe and bang
-fear buries a tomorrow under woe
and up comes yesterday most green and young
pleasure and pain are merely surfaces
(one itself showing, itself hiding one)
life's only and true value neither is
love makes the thickness of the coin
comes here a man would have from madame death
nevertheless now and wihtout winter spring?
she'll spin that spirit her own fingers with
and give him nothing (if he should not sing)
how much more than enough for both of us
darling. And if i song you are my voice,