So I finally saw The September Issue. For those of you living under rocks of some sort, this was the documentary film about the making of Vogue's imfamous Spetmeber 2007 issue. Once I saw the movie I remembered the disapointing cover with a red lipped Sienna Miller. The movie chronciles and follows around the top people at Vogue including Anna Wintour (editor in cheif, diva, bitch?, etc.), Virginia, the ever so flamboyant Andre, and my personal favorite former model and head stylist, Grace. The movie was not super suspenseful or drmamatic for those not interested in fashion, photography, the industry, etc. However, the film was very nteresting to me because I hope to someday work for a fashion magazine; not American Vogue though, because, like Grace, I feel that their editoreals lack a lot of artisitc creativity and diversity. Anyway, pretty nteresting and totally worth the ten bucks!